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Monday, December 12, 2005

12 - Monday

Still kludging. Am posting to the blog, and will give a catch-up when my system is restored...............;-( Dan

12/12/2005 - Monday

CLIPPINGS is also online here - where you can track down new and old postings and stories


Plainfield Plain Talker: "Frosty, the snow people"

Our Lady of Guadalupe March: "Faithful join procession to honor Virgin Mary"
.......... The reporter and headline writer seem unfamiliar with this annual procession, of which this
.......... was the eighth. Though it started in North Plainfield it ended at St. Mary's Church in Plainfield.
.......... There is a confusing reference to "the Crescent Area" --sounds like the march went down
.......... West 8th, as usual. In any event, it is a rousing celebration for the Latinos of both Plainfields.

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Raritan Valley Line Coalition [next to last item: "Rail meeting Dec. 19th to cover platform transfers"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine - Transition:
............... - Chief of Staff: "Corzine selects right-hand man Tom Shea as chief of staff"
Sharon Elghanayan?: "Jon Corzine's significant other"
Lame Duck Legislature:
............... - Charities' Immunity: "Bill would open churches, schools to sexual abuse lawsuits"
............... - Boxing Commission: "Assembly set to vote on changing boxing chairman position"
Bear Hunt: "297 bears reported killed as weeklong hunt ends"
Edison: "At $287K, Choi led spenders in Edison election; Total topped $500K"
Merck: "Omission of heart attack data may help plaintiffs"
Newark: "Bolden's annual report shows hope, struggle in Newark schools"
Judgeships: "Only robes are black; Minorities find access to judgeships is limited"
Political lawyers: The 'Back Room Boys': "Who Are the Lawyers Packing All the Clout?"
Princeton: "Proposal for glass buildings at Morven, first governors' mansion, stir controversy"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
.......... - Plamegate - NY Times: "Time reporter recounts talk with Rove's attorney about CIA leak"
............... - Viveca Novak in her own words - Time: "What Viveca Novak Told Fitzgerald"
............... - Fitzgerald - Time: "Patrick Fitzgerald questions another TIME reporter"

.......... - Jesuit influence in Iraq: "Boys of Baghdad College Vie for Prime Minister"
.......... - Prisoner abuse: "Iraq Prison Raid Finds a New Case of Mistreatment"

'Birthright citizenship': "GOP Faction Wants to Change 140-year old Policy"
USA Patriot Act: "Was focus on library patrons a dodge for 'national security letters'?"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Real Estate: "The Tricks of the Trade in Coping With Slower Sales"
Marijuana: "Federal marijuana monopoly challenged; Researchers want to find more medicinal uses"
Princeton. Bohemian?: "Nourishing Creativity With Order and Care"
'Green' home in Paterson: "Aiming for a Zero-Energy Home - The 'Paterson Showhouse'"
Bankruptcy: "Under new law, newly bankrupt raking In piles of credit offers"
Alternative Minimum Tax: "Stalemate would cost region's households"
Government pension plans: "Pay-as-you-go sets up taxpayer time bomb"
.......... - and a US map is here

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

.......... - Rebuilding: "Wealthy Blacks Oppose Plans for Their Property"
.......... - Evacuee resettlement: "Katrina Evacuees Resettle Along a Racial Divide"
............... - and a map of resettlement patterns is here
.......... - The Deaths: "Louisiana releases details on deaths from Katrina and later flooding"
............... - and a map of New Orleans deaths is here
.......... - Mississippi: "On Gulf Coast, a Conflict Over How to Rebuild"
............... - and a map of Gulf Coast floodng is here