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Saturday, January 21, 2006

21 - Saturday


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PLAINFIELD TODAY: my personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
PLAINFIELD EVENTS: the online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


Board of Ed - Plain Talker: "BOE To Fill Vacancy, Discuss $1.9 Million Error"

Raritan Valley Line: "Faulty Amtrak cable cut power to signals near Newark station yesterday"

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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Bedminster: "Menendez, Holt to fete Rubin, first Dem in memory to serve on Town Committee"
Somerset County: "Sheriff takes taxpayers to cleaners -- literally"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Ledger's mysterious UMDNJ / Petillo blackout:
......Today's print edition has a Page One story on Petillo's agreement to resign as head of
......UMDNJ -- if he gets $1M in severance. Corzine sees it otherwise. Story not online.
......Part 2: The Ledger editorializes on Petillo: 'Petillo Must Step Down'. Also not online.
......As Ricky Ricardo used to say, "'splain me."

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

'Clean Energy' Program Audit: "Senator calls for hearing: Secret audit found waste, cronyism"
Giants/Jets Stadium: "Stadium report raises issues: Did state get a fair deal?"
Highlands: "Highlands director leaves at crucial time to take DEP post"
Human Trafficking: "Hudson County woman admits role"
Morristown: "
Councilman accused of aggravated assault skips court session"
Newark: "Using squad car to escort mobster's funeral gets cop in hot water"
Newark Housing Authority: "Former attorney admits child porn and will receive probation"
Olympics: "Vernon ski resort hosting final halfpipe qualifier for American snowboard team"
Port Authority: "Cop boss says patrols are adequate; Dispute with union centers on overtime"
UMDNJ: "Ethics board finds four UMDNJ trustees can remain"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Editorial Cartoon: Breen in today's Courier

Scandal Central:

.......... - Domestic spying:
.................... - NY Times: "Legal Rationale by Justice Dept. on Spying Effort"
.................... - Editorial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "President's growing disregard for the law"
.................... - LA Times: "US obtains Internet searches; Yahoo complies, Google refuses"
.................... - Reuters: "Gonzales makes legal case for domestic spying"
.......... - Lobbygate:
.................... - 'Reform' - NY Observer: Joe Conason: "GOP Leaders Say They’re Reformers!"
......................... - Christian Science Monitor: "GOP looks for white knight to lead House"

2006 Elections: "Rove: GOP to Use Terror As Campaign Issue"

Iran - AFP: "Iran threatens oil crisis in nuclear standoff"
.......... - Financial Times/UK: "Iran calls for oil output cut, moves assets out of Europe"
Iraq - AFP: "Iraqi official criticizes secret US contacts with insurgents"
Military Recruitment: "Activists vow to shut down Army recruiting sites March 19th"
Supreme Court - Ledger: "Alito: 'Inappropriate' for me to comment on Roe"
Voting - Nation: Jesse Jackson: "The right to vote is not a Consitutional guarantee"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Bloggers: "When anonymous bloggers reveal themselves -- or are 'outed'"
Evangelicals - OpEd, NY Times: Charles Marsh: "Wayward Christian Soldiers"

Film Reviews - 'Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World': | Roger Ebert | NY Magazine |
| NY Times | Rolling Stone | Village Voice | USA Today | Washington Post |

Gov. Florio: "Florio sells his company, Xspand, to Bear Stearns"

Immigration: "Tight Immigration Policy Hits Roadblock of Reality"
Gov. McGreevey: "McGreevey writes blog with gay rights activist"
......Well, not his own actually, but a 5-part series on the Huffington Post. . .links are here
NY Transit Workers - NY Times: "Workers Reject Contract by 7-Vote Margin"
......Why it matters? The struggle had two main points: chipping away at the pension plan
......and worker contributions to benefits costs. Coming soon to government entities
......all over the country -- including New Jersey. . .
Real Estate: "December Housing Starts Declined Sharply"
Reality Show?: "Television Cul-de-Sac Mystery: Why Was Reality Show Killed?"
......Let's see...ABC spends a boodle on a reality show where a gay couple eventually wins
......over their originally homophobic neighbors to be voted winners of a McMansion...
......ABC is courting the religious right...The show is cancelled before on...