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Thursday, February 16, 2006

16 - Thursday

My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


Chief Santiago: "Mayor removes Santiago from post pending outcome of lawsuit"
PHS Athletes - OpEd, CN: Allen McPherson: "Plainfield athletes need ways to show pride"
Redevelopment: "Plainfield to review plan for North Avenue redevelopment area"

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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Edison: "Edison televises Planning Board meeting"
Middlesex County: "$344 million county budget shows another tax rate cut"
....... Union County goes up. Middlesex goes down. What am I missing?
Roselle MIA: "Long-awaited find brings little solace; Family had their closure years ago"
South Plainfield: "No drugs found in High School search by dogs during 2-hour lockdown"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine - SL: "Labor boss rips Corzine proposal to borrow for Transportation Fund"
............... - "Corzine sides with drivers against speed traps"
..... - CN: "Residents may bear higher N.J. fees, taxes"
............... - Editorial: "Transportation refinancing plan would echo past mistakes"

Gay Marriage - SL: "Outside court, a respectful clash"
..... - CN: "Outside courtroom, gay marriage demonstrations mix like oil and water"
..... - NYT: "N.J. State Court Deliberates Issue of Gay Marriage"
Human Services: "Ryan adds 3 directors to round out team"
Medicare: "N.J. details drug failures: missing names, dead on list among issues"
Newark Airport: "Security group calls for adding cameras, educating public"
Newark Housing Authority:

..... - SL: "Housing authority faulted on U.S. aid; Auditors say $7M should be returned"
..... - NYT: "U.S. Demands Newark Return $6.9 Million in Housing Aid"
Newark: "Condo owners resisting Commerce Bank plan"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
..... - Domestic spying:
.......... - UPI: "Whistleblower says NSA has 2nd program, violations bigger
..... - Plamegate - Truthgate: "Gonzales Withholding Plame Emails"
.......... - AP: "Cheney Says He Has Power to Declassify Info"
..... - Torture - NYT: "EU Seeks CIA Info on Secret Prisons"

Cheney Hunting Accident:

..... - Editor & Publisher: "Shooting from the Lip: Transcript of Cheney Interview"
..... - AP: "Cheney Refuses to Back Down on Timing of News Release"
.......... - Analysis, LAT: "Shoot a Pal, Complain About the Press"
..... - E&P: "Journalists On Shooting Story List Unanswered Questions"
.......... So many unanswered questions, suspicions of a coverup gain traction
..... - AP: "Cheney Could Face Charges in Shooting"

China - CSM: "Senior Chinese officials slam Communist Party censorship"
Enron - Fortune: "Enron's 'goofy' accounting"
Iran - AP: "Rice Outlines White House Approach on Iran"
Kushner: "Developer set to leave jail: FBI suspects Kushner lied to get out"
Lobbying: "Lobbyist Attends Private GOP Meeting"

Terrorism - AP: "Saddam Reportedly Warned U.S. of Terrorism in mid-'90s"

US Military Strategy - Guardian/UK: "America's Long War"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

A Cautionary Tale: "Torch was used on gutters started Middletown mansion fire"
....... More than one Plainfield home has gone up in smoke under similar circumstances.
....... Heat guns and torches are dangerous to your home.
Fighting Crime - Guns: "New York and other cities turn up heat on gun dealers"
Gardening: "Camellias come north"
Marketing: "How they know what you like before you do"
Suburbs - SL: "Report: 64 locales just outside cities are in peril of decay"
..... - NYT: "'First' Suburbs Growing Older and Poorer, Report Warns"
.......... Seven of the 64 counties studied are in NJ

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Response: "Chertoff Admits Katrina Response Fumbled"
..... - NYT: "Senators Assail Chertoff's Job Handling Katrina"
..... - SL: "Chertoff adminst failures"
.......... - Timeline: "Tracking the failures, from levees to government"


CN - Courier News | SL - Star-Ledger | NYT - New York Times | WP - Washington Post |

AFP - Agence France Presse | AP - Associated Press | APP - Asbury Park Press | BR - Bergen Record |
CSM - Christian Science Monitor
| CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill] | HNT - Home News [New Brunswick] |
JJ - Jersey Journal [Jersey City]
| LAT - Los Angeles Times | ND - Newsday | NOLA - Times-Picayune |
NPR - National Public Radio
| PNJ - Politics NJ | TT - Trenton Times |