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Sunday, April 16, 2006

16 - Sun - e. e. cummings... Abbott schools... Fanwood/Scotch Plains merging?...


Plainfield Today: "now the eyes of my eyes are opened - e. e. cummings"

What?! A quiet day in Plainfield? Relax, enjoy. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Food For Thought

..... - Bullying: "Maryland. to Use Data to Combat Bullying"
..... - Governance: "Compare and Contrast: How they do it in Montclair"
..... - Textbooks: "Teacher reviews of books can spell big bucks for publishers"

..... - PHS teacher Molly Banta has a letter to the editor in the Ledger's Union County print
..... - edition today, titled "Teachers would rather spend time teaching"

Events for this week are here

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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

(Photo, Courier News)

7th Congressional District: "7th District candidates focus on Iraq, security"
Elizabeth: "Cop presses his case; City denies he was penalized for flagging cop misconduct"
Roselle Park: "Roselle Park heads to Florida for new high school principal"
Rutgers: "Where there's a will, there may be a bikeway at Rutgers"
Scotch Plains/Fanwood: "Scotch Plains, Fanwood getting urged to merge"
Somerset County: "Bound Brook, Bernards, Green Brook propose extra school spending"
South River: "Falling membership prompts listing of synagogue for sale"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

The Auditor - For political junkies: "Sunday, April 16, 2006"

Abbott Schools - Editorial, SL: "It's time to rethink Abbott"
Budget - CN: "Budget woes test loyalty of Corzine's supporters"

..... - NYT: "In New Jersey, Spending Cap Pinches Schools"
Hudson River Waterfront Walkway: "Along the Hudson, a path of construction"
..... - After 20 years under way, with no maps or reports on its progress, the Ledger
..... - sends a reporter out on a bike. The detailed map is in the print edition only, sorry.
School Budgets: "School budget woes stir calls for reform"
Smoking - SL: "In world of laws both silly and solid, tobacco ban enforcement up in air"
..... - NYT: "Will the law chase smokers out of bars in NJ, or just chase out the smoke?"
Textbooks: "Teacher reviews of books can spell big bucks for publishers"

..... - Newark: "Why Newark matters"
.......... - Downtown: "Newark bar at center of old vs. new struggle"
.......... - The Ledger's Newark campaign blog is here, and the NY Times blog is here
..... - Orange: "Orange maps out its future, charting 2 decades of growth"
..... - Montclair: "Midterm musings of Montclair mayor"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

(Photo, New York Times)

2006 Elections - NYT: "GOP: Looking to Win in November, With a 2-Year-Old Playbook"

On the Generals Speaking Out: Stephen Pizzo: "Permission to Speak Freely, Sir"
..... Those who have never served in the military don't understand how extraordinary
..... it is for career military officers to say the things they're saying.

Scandal Central:
..... - Abramoff - WP: "E-Mails Detail Dealings of Safavian and Abramoff"
..... - Plamegate - National Journal: "Cheney authorized leak of CIA report, Libby says"

Immigration Reform - SL: "Kids of illegal immigrants take up cause"
.......... Second-generation Americans give voice to parents afraid to speak out
..... - NYT: "Cost of illegal immigration may be less than meets the eye"
.......... - Table: "Immigrant Effect on Minimum Wages in Selected States"
..... - The Employers?: "Going After Migrants, but Not Employers?"
..... - The Debate in Tees: "Mi madre went to a rally and all I got was..."
Iran - Guardian/UK: "Pentagon planned for conflict with war game involving UK troops"
Medicaid - NYT: "Medicaid Hurdle for Immigrants May Hurt Others"
Public Records - NYT: "Why the Secrecy? Only the Bureaucrats Know"
..... - Example: "Classifying the fact the the US and British cooperated in WWII"
Rumsfeld - Salon/Truthout: "Rumsfeld 'Personally Involved' In Torture Allegations at Gitmo"
..... - Editorial, SL: "Hold Rumsfeld accountable"
..... - Editorial, CN: "The critics are right; Rumsfeld must go"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Peeps, The Phenomenon: "Soft, Chewy and Taking Over the World"
..... - For the connoisseur, "Peep Research"

Books - NY Rev Bks: "The Hope of the Web: 'Crashing the Gate'"
Cable TV: "Why Can't I Have Just the Cable Channels I Want?"
Evangelicalism: "Evangelicals Debate the Meaning of 'Evangelical'"
.......... - Table of Divisions: "Divisions Among Evangelicals"
Gas Prices: "We are going to pump you up: Surviving the summer gas crunch"
..... - Check the table of things to do to save on gas -- print edition only!
Health: "Baby Boomers Stay Active, and So Do Their Doctors"
Humor: "For Politicians, Yadda, Yadda May Become Gotcha"
Poker: "Is Poker Losing Its First Flush?"
..... - And if you don't already know..."The Deal on 'Texas Hold 'em'"
Television: "In defense of the idiot box"
White House Easter: "Gay Families Seek Role in White House Tradition"

SPORTS LINKS: Courier | Ledger | NY Times | NY Post | Daily News | El Diario | Hoy |

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "In post-quake San Francisco, lessons for New Orleans after the flood"

PLAINFIELD TODAY: My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


CN - Courier News | SL - Star-Ledger | NYT - New York Times | WP - Washington Post |

AFP - Agence France Presse | AP - Associated Press | APP - Asbury Park Press | BR - Bergen Record |
CSM - Christian Science Monitor
| CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill] | HNT - Home News [New Brunswick] |
JJ - Jersey Journal [Jersey City]
| LAT - Los Angeles Times | ND - Newsday | NOLA - Times-Picayune |
NPR - National Public Radio
| PNJ - Politics NJ | TT - Trenton Times |

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