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Thursday, May 04, 2006

04 - Thu - Peggy Thomas memorial service... SID expanded... Courier wants Abbott suspension...


Plainfield Today: "Memorial Saturday for Peggy Thomas, a Symphony founder"
Plain Talker: "Special Improvement District Expansion Endorsed"

Abbott Schools - Editorial, CN: "State needs a breather from Abbott aid mandate"
Crime: "Plainfield man indicted after 4-town police chase"
.......... - "Plainfield pair are in attack outside bar"

Connections? Food For Thought
..... - Sodas in Schools - Bloomberg: "Coca-Cola, Pepsi Ban Soda in Schools in Clinton Deal"
.......... - SL: "Jersey schools' ban on soda spreads"
..... - High School Sports: "Drug tests OK'd for high school athletes"
..... - Pay-to-play: "State Democrats backpedal on pay-to-play"
..... - Sunshine Law: "Sharpe underscores point with DCA head"
........ - Sends Corzine a message: Unhappy with press presence at meeting
..... - PILOTs: "Jets get $3.6M tax break on training facility"
..... - Official Corruption: "Lawmakers set to scrutinize bevy of corruption bills"

Events for this week are here

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or keyword [such as 'Plainfield' or 'Sheriff']

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Highland Park: "Prosecutor says official kept working following missing-funds indictment"
Middlesex Boro: "Blast rocks packaging, pharmaceutical plant"
North Plainfield: "N. Plainfield teenager to be tried as adult in fatal stabbing"
Roselle Park: "Roselle Park student chosen for Africa program"
Scotch Plains: "Township settles bias lawsuit with four white police officers"
Union Twp.: "GOP is mounting spirited challenge to Democrats"
Westfield: "Westfield proposal: Centralize kindergartens"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine: "Corzine drops attempt to use fiscal 'one-shot'"
Menendez' House Seat: "Perth Amboy mayor hoping to take advantage of party rift"

Anthrax: "Misplaced anthrax samples recovered"
Bird Flu - CN: "Corzine: N.J. not ready for pandemic"
..... - SL: "State officials brainstorm on how to combat bird flu"
Legislature: "Lawmakers set to scrutinize bevy of corruption bills"
Lyme Disease: "3,372 instances last year record number for state"
NJT: "NJ Transit considering 7% fare hike in a year"
Pay-to-play: "State Democrats backpedal on pay-to-play"
Property Taxes: "A 2-tiered solution to the property tax plight"
..... - The RPA's report - click on "Report Evaluates Property Tax Proposals" (PDF)
.......... RPA backs 1879 idea to impose a higher levy on land than buildings
Veterans: "More funding is sought for Jersey's homeless vets"

..... - Newark Race - SL: "Contentious words between Rice, Booker highlight TV debate"
.......... - South Ward: "Newark candidate can't get rival disqualified"
.......... - NYT: "Newark Candidate Runs Against His Own Fame"
.......... - The Ledger's Newark campaign blog is here, and the NY Times blog is here
..... - Newark: 'Little Italy': Bob Braun: "Here, the city's past is not a ghost, but a soulful presence"
.......... - Historic Preservation: "Chaotic start for city's new historic panel"
..... - Princeton: "Princeton councilman faults effort by Mercer prosecutor"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush - Boston Globe: "Hearing vowed by Specter on Bush's powers"

Scandal Central:
..... - Abramoff - NYT: "White House Cautions on completeness of Abramoff Logs"

Airlines - SL: "DOT throttles back on plans for foreign control of U.S. airlines"
Anthem - WP: "Administration Sings More Than One Tune on Spanish Version of Anthem"
..... - John Rivera: "Bush Sang National Anthem in Spanish At Latino Festivals"
......... - with video of former White House flack Scott McLellan dodging the bullet...
Congress - SL: "House clears measure on ethics"
The Courts - NYT: "Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Congress' Watchdog Plan 'Scary'"
Gas Prices - LAT: "GOP Turns on a Dime, Decries Rebate"
..... - SL: "House votes to outlaw gasoline price gouging"
Immigration Reform - WP: "Hill Impasse Spurs States to Tackle Illegal Immigration"
..... - NYT: "Growing Unease for Some Blacks on Immigration"
..... - LAT: "Minutemen Get Cold Reception From Blacks"
Iraq - Times/London: "In the chaos of Iraq, one project is on target: a giant US embassy"
Leaks/Leaking - WP: Howard Kurtz: "The Politics of Leaking"
Medicare: "Medicare's phone operators are letting down seniors, GAO finds"
Moussaoui - SL: "Jury spares Moussaoui from death"
.......... - Bob Braun: "The man who is best suited for oblivion"
Port Screening - CN: "N.J. senators call for total cargo screening"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Halal Dining: "Where the meat meets Muslim standard"
Morris Brown College: "College's Ex-President Pleads Guilty to Fraud"
Negotiating Salaries: "How to Negotiate Your Salary" -- with link to an Irish article
Restaurant Biz in NJ: "Restaurants in N.J. surge in a drive to survive, expand and feed"

BOOK REVIEW LINKS: NY Times | Wash Post | Ledger | NY Rev Bks | London Rev Bks |
SPORTS LINKS: Courier | Ledger | NY Times | NY Post | Daily News | El Diario | Hoy |

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rescue/Recovery - LAT: "Report Details Katrina Communications Fiasco"

PLAINFIELD TODAY: My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


CN - Courier News | SL - Star-Ledger | NYT - New York Times | WP - Washington Post |

AFP - Agence France Presse | AP - Associated Press | APP - Asbury Park Press | BR - Bergen Record |
CSM - Christian Science Monitor
| CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill] | HNT - Home News [New Brunswick] |
JJ - Jersey Journal [Jersey City]
| LAT - Los Angeles Times | ND - Newsday | NOLA - Times-Picayune |
NPR - National Public Radio
| PNJ - Politics NJ | TT - Trenton Times |

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