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Sunday, December 18, 2005

18 - Sunday


Still kludging. Am posting to the blog, and will give a catch-up when my system is restored............;-(

12/18/2005 - Sunday

CLIPPINGS is also online here - where you can track down new and old postings and stories



Crime Plan - Editorial, Courier: "With Ship out, crime plan makes less sense"
PCTV-74 [last item]: "New program: Changing Images - A Newsmagazine for Women"
Police seek Information [next to last item]: "Police seek cause of woman's death"

.....The Courier plugged a special section --'What The Holidays Mean to Me'-- all week.
.....Alas, I could not find it at all online this AM. There are letters from many Plainfield
.....schoolchildren. If you get the print edition, see pages 71 through 73. --Dan

....... x----------------------------------------x
|.......Big Story on the UEZ's...........|
....... |.............'Home Arts'................|
|..........Marketing Effort..............|
....... |........................................|
....... |...TURNS OUT IT DIDN'T MAKE IT!..:(.....|
....... |........................................|
....... x----------------------------------------x

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Bernardsville: "Immigrant issues color debate about negligent landlords"
Elizabeth: "Patrols cut down on truancy; Board of Ed teams with cops, go after kids who skip class"
Linden: "Oil spill reaches Arthur Kill and bird sanctuary"
.......... - "Linden HS German Club...and the Christmas pickle" You have to read it to get it.
Watchung Reservation: "As murals of Mexico at 'Deserted Village' fade, history slips away"
Somerset County: "Were towns misled over Medevac's missions to ease its relocation?"
Somerville: "Peace advocates take to the street in Somerville"
South Bound Brook: "Historic 1740's Staats House ready for the holidays"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

For political junkies - The Auditor: "Sunday, December 18, 2005"

Menendez: "Menendez will get three committee assignments"

7th Congressional District - Ledger: "Democrats target Ferguson by tying him to the president"
.......... - Politics NJ [see Saturday entry]: "Two Democrats vie for chance to challenge Ferguson"
Conservation in NJ - A History: "What if the Great Swamp were an airport?"
Fining for false alarms: "With 4000 false alarms a year, Montclair may join move to fine the faulty"
Gas Tax - Editorial, Ledger: "An inevitable gas tax hike"
Gas Tax, other issues surveyed: "League poll: Mayors favor hike in gas tax for roads"
............... Results of the NJ League of Municipalities '6th Annual Mayors Survey' are here
Hoboken: "A Destination Hotel for Hoboken"
Meadowlands: "Development Project Is Finally Getting Its Second Wind"
UMDNJ: "UMDNJ ignored years of warnings about Medicare and Medicaid overbilling"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush - Ledger: "Bully pulpit gives Bush a lift; War speeches help his poll numbers"

Scandal Central:

.......... - DeLay trial - Austin Statesman: "Judge deals DeLay a setback; Ruling makes January trial less likely"
.......... - Domestic spying - NY Times: "Bush says he ordered --and will continue-- domestic spying"
......................... - and related article: "Eavesdropping Effort Began Soon After Sept. 11 Attacks"
.................... - Courier: "President defends wiretaps of U.S. citizens"
.................... - Reuters: "Bush defends eavesdropping"
............... - Bush supporter circles the wagons - AP: "Sen. Cornyn accuses Times of endangering U.S. just to sell book"
............... - Immigrant fears - Denver Post: "Immigrants fret calls home aren't private"
.......... - Frist - AP: "Frist AIDS charity paid crony consultants nearly half a million dollars"
............... A catalog of issues: late report filings, omitting names of donors, giving campaign staff jobs, and more
.......... - Plamegate - Truthout: "The case against Karl Rove; indications Fitzgerald may indict shortly"
.......... - Torture - Two Opinions:
.................... - Ledger: "Matt Zoller Seitz: The Verdict Is It Works"
.................... - Newsweek: "Sen. John McCain: Torture's Terrible Toll; Why we must do better"

Analysis - AP: "Analysis: Legal problems add to catalog of GOP woes"
Campaign Finance: 527's targeted - Boston Globe: "GOP pushes campaign finance legislation"
Iraq Elections - Editorial, Ledger: "No vindication yet in Iraq"
Obituary: "Jack Anderson, Investigative journalist who angered the powerful"
.......... - and this appreciation by crack Washington Post reporter Howard Kurtz, who once interned for him
.......... Known as the 'Paul Revere of journalism,' he was also proud to be on Nixon's 'enemies list'

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Holiday thoughts:
..... Christmas gift-giving: "The Time Warp of Christmas Past"
............... and a chart showing what kinds of gifts have --and have not-- changed over the last 40 years
..... Unwanted gift cards: "Web sites offer way to sell or exchange unwanted gift cards"
............... Get real! You knew this had to come, didn't you? And here are some sites to check out
......A reminiscence: "Oy Tannenbaum"
..... Happy Holidays : "Wal-Mart confronted on 'happy holidays'"
..... Home for the Holidays - Multiethnic encounters: "In-Laws in the Age of the Outsider"

For-profit Colleges: "A textbook case of scamming the system?: Decker College, Louisville, KY"
Gold Star Mothers: "Apolitical group born of the grief of war weathers a tempest of confusion"
Home issues: "Water Heaters: Tanks or No Tanks?"

............... The Ledger has a very long --and important-- article on the mindset of terrorism
............... on its front page. Not a mention on the website. If it crops up later, will post. --Dan

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "Demolition of Thousands of Houses Is Set to Begin"
.......... - Latino workers: "In N. O., no easy work for willing Latinos; Much to do, but pay, conditions are grim"