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Saturday, December 24, 2005

24 - Saturday

12/24/2005 - Saturday

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PLAINFIELD TODAY: "Season's Greetings from Mayor McWilliams and Mayor-elect Robinson-Briggs"

Plain Talk: "All's quiet in City Hall on the Eve of Christmas"

Crime: "Plainfield searching for suspect in robberies"
............ Am posting the sketch of the suspect on the blog. Check for it there. -- Dan

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Woodbridge: "Zoning clerk accused of stealing cash"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine transition: "Departing AG Harvey touts successes in state report"

Body parts scandal: "Harvesting of skin, bones from diseased corpses is linked to Jersey"
DYFS: "State opposes intervention in DYFS; says it is reforming without court supervision"
Newark: "Tucker's successor Williams' pension spurs state probe; she's defended by Essex County Dems"
Lynch investigation: "Feds seek more records on Lynch, New Brunswick"
Real Estate Commissions: "Regulators side with real estate commission discounters"
............You will definitely hear more about this. Realtors are arguing that the ruling tilts the playing
............ field unfairly toward discounters like Foxton's, resulting in compensation inequities.
UMDNJ: "Former judge Herb Stern to monitor financial workings of UMDNJ"
.......... - "Lauded as a VP for legal affairs, Vivian Sanks King quits under a cloud"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
.......... - Abramoff Affair: "FBI follows money in Mashpee tribe's Beltway success"
.......... - Domestic spying:
.................... - Ledger: "Officials: FBI checks of radiation levels at Muslim sites is legal"
.................... - Courier:
.................... - NY Times: "Former Senate head Daschle: Congress never authorized spying effort"
......................... - "Spy agency mined vast trove of Internet and phone data, officials report"
.................... - Washington Post: "U.S. Monitored Muslim Sites Across Nation for Radiation"

Supreme Court nomination: "Alito supported wiretaps without warrants in memo"
.......... - Editorial, NY Times: "Alito's Zeal for Presidential Power"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Crime-fighting strategy: "Boston's rise in homicides prompts new look at a '90s strategy that reduced killings"
New Orleans
Christmas: "Bayou Bonfires: Many say it wouldn't be Christmas without traditional fires lighting Papa Noel's way"
Real Estate: "New-home sales nationwide plummeted 11.3% last month"