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Friday, January 27, 2006

27 - Friday

PLAINFIELD TODAY: My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
PLAINFIELD EVENTS: The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


Plain Talker: "School Budget Discussion Raises More Questions"

Ledger: "Plainfield board fills vacancy"

Crime: In Ledger print-only story, Plainfielder Kevin Harris found guilty of shooting
ex-schoolmate on Halsey Street in May, 2004.

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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Edison: "Choi wants more local meetings televised, starts with Planning Board"
Hillside/Roselle - SL: "Restaurants put Caribbean cuisine on the map"
Piscataway - CN: "Court places $18M value on Halper farm"
..... - SL: "Family awarded $18M for 75 acres"
Sayreville: "Developers present plans for National Lead site"
Summit: "Summit teachers' salary guide includes increases of up to 25%"
Winfield: "Acting chief is demoted to sergeant"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine - CN: "Corzine pushes for needle-exchange legislation for drug users"
..... - Cabinet - CN: "Levin to face full Senate after judiciary approval"
.......... - SL: "Senate panel endorses Levin"
Menendez' House seat - SL: "Costs dictate Corzine won't call early election for Menendez seat"
....... Perhaps, but NPR said yesterday that Corzine didn't have the authority to fill the seat

Assembly - CN: "Officials: Corrections backlog overcrowding jails; Solution? Speed parole"
..... - SL: "Parole board chief offers reforms to save money"
Bio-terror alert - SL: "N.J. National Guard field-tests unit of WMD experts"
Citizens Campaign - SL: "Newark gets mixed reviews in survey"
Drugs - SL: "Ex-Customs boss gets 24 years for moving cocaine through Newark port"
Ethics...yet again - SL: "Outgoing official's e-mail spurs call for ethics inquiry"
Fiscal Situation - CN: "Panel advises Gov. Corzine to broaden sales, gas taxes"
..... - SL: "Tax increases and job cuts urged for N.J."
.......... - "Quinnipiac poll finds Jerseyans downbeat on budget, tax prospects"
'Home Rule,' Elephant in the room - SL: Bob Braun: "Want 'real reform'? Target 'home rule'"
Hudson County - JJ: "Suit demands corrupt official, contractors give back money"
Kearney Bridge - SL: "DOT failed to heed warning about bridge"
Norcross Affair -
Editorial, Ledger: "A slumping AG's office"
..... - Editorial, Courier: "Time for attorneys to forge new relationship"
..... - NY Times: "Ex-Prosecutors in Trenton Respond to U.S. Scolding"
Ocean County - CN: "Freeholders grant domestic partner pension benefits"
Schools Construction Corp.: "Criminal charges may arise from SCC mess"
'Smart Growth': "Eileen Swan takes reins of the Office of Smart Growth"
Supreme Court: "Justices order bank to repay Essex $600,000 in corrupt 1989 bond issue"
........Talk about the wheels of justice grinding slowly...
UMDNJ: "Corzine asks leaders of UMDNJ to resign"
..... - OpEd, SL: Tom Moran: "Entitlement sits behind the wheel at UMDNJ"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
..... - Abramoff - SL: "Bush insists 'I don't know' Abramoff and refuses to release photos"
.......... - NYT: "Bush takes prosecutor off case with Federal judgeship"
..... - Domestic spying:
.......... - NY Times: "Bush Sees No Need for Law to Approve Eavesdropping"
.......... - WP: "Bush Reasserts Presidential Prerogatives"
............... - "Varied Rationales Muddle Issue of NSA Eavesdropping"
..... - Lobbygate - SL: "GOP senators call off bimonthly job solicitations"
..... - Plamegate: "Reporters' Information Sought by Libby Defense"

Iraq: "Iraq commander admits the Army is 'stretched'"
Palestine - SL: "Bush is left to wonder: What hath democracy wrought?"
.......... - Analysis - SL: "The big question: Now what?"
.......... - OpEd, SL: "Bush loses Palestinian election gamble"
.......... - Editorial, SL: "The Hamas complication"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Montclair: "After vandalism, Iris beds to bloom once again thanks to grant"
Oprah: "Live on 'Oprah,' a Memoirist Is Kicked Out of the Book Club"
..... - "Ms. Winfrey Takes a Guest to the Televised Woodshed"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "Bush: No state plan, no money"


CN - Courier News
SL - Star-Ledger
NYT - New York Times
WP - Washington Post

AFP - Agence France Presse
AP - Associated Press
APP - Asbury Park Press
BR - Bergen Record
CSM - Christian Science Monitor
CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill]
HNT - Home News Tribune [New Brunswick]
JJ - Jersey Journal
LAT - Los Angeles Times
ND - Newsday
NOLA - Times-Picayune
NPR - National Public Radio
PNJ - Politics NJ
TT - Trenton Times
