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Saturday, January 28, 2006

28 - Saturday

PLAINFIELD TODAY: My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
PLAINFIELD EVENTS: The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


Plainfield Today: "PHS grad Bourke-White gets an exhibit at Rutgers...after 85 years"

22nd Legislative District [last item]: "Linda Stender named deputy speaker"
Crime - SL: "Plainfielder seized after wild chase through 3 Union County towns"
PHS Boys Basketball: "Plainfield roars past Shabazz"

Muhlenberg's new Nursing School building: Today's Courier has a story about at the Somerset Medical Center. When was the last time you saw
.....a story in the paper's about Muhlenberg's construction project? Take a ride down
.....Park Avenue and have a look for yourself... -- Dan

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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Edison: "Firefighters battle 150-acre brush fire at Raritan Arsenal"
............ This is that big black cloud on the horizon yesterday.
Scotch Plains: "Deer hunt in Scotch Plains to begin today"
Somerset Co. Girls Swimming - CN: "Mount St. Mary in its own class at counties"
..... - SL: "Floyd guides Mount St. Mary to Somerset title"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

- Ledger: "New sales taxes cut from transition team proposal"
..... - Courier: "Tax increases far from decided"
.......... - "Corzine mulls advisors options"
..... - NY Times: "Higher Taxes and Layoffs Are in Advice for Corzine"
Menendez' vacant House seat: "Corzine won't order election in 13th District"

Body Parts scandal: "Grisly Traffic in Body Parts Assumes National Proportions"
DYFS: "Corzine advisors: DYFS needs 'immediate attention'"
Economy: "Slowing U.S. economy a bad sign for N.J."
Kearney Bridge: "Bridge probe raises concern"
Newark Housing Authority
- Ledger: "Lucas retires from troubled NHA as audit report looms"
..... - NY Times: "Housing Chief in Newark Sets His Retirement"
Varsity Sports Referees: "Minority Varsity refs complain 'old boy' network leaves them out"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush - WP: "Press Conference: The Imperial and Evasive President"
............ and video of the dangling camera and tripod is here
..... - CNN: "CNN/USAToday/Gallup Poll: Most think Bush is failing second term"
............ The poll results are here as a series of tables and here as a PDF file
..... - Katrina Files - Editorial, Ledger: "Stonewalling on the storm"

Scandal Central:
..... - Abramoff - WP: "ABC Poll: Most Want Bush to Disclose Abramoff Links"
................. The poll results are here
.......... - Editorial, WP: "Mr. Abramoff's Meetings, Again"
................. Who in White House met with him, about what? Stonewalling is unacceptable.
..... - Domestic spying:
.......... - NY Times: "New Poll Finds Mixed Support for Wiretaps"
...................... Times/CBS Poll data graphic is here
............... - Analysis: "Bush Presses On in Legal Defense for Wiretapping"
.......... - WP: "2003 draft legislation undermines Bush claims on spying"
................. If he had authority, as he claims, why propose to write spying into law?
..... - Lobbygate - WP: "K Street's New Ways Spawn More Pork"
.......... - Graphic: "Pork has nearly tripled in last 10 years"

Democrats Fracture - WP: "Blogs attack from Left as Democrats reach for Center"
............ Comedian Will Rogers once famously said: "I belong to no organized
............ political group. I'm a Democrat."
Economy - WP: "Spending slowdown curbs growth; GDP's 4th Quarter weakest in 3 years"
Iraq - AP: "Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic"
..... - 'Planted' News - LA Times: "Planted Articles May Be Violation of Pentagon directive"
Palestine - Salon: "How Do You Like Your Democracy Now, Mr. Bush?"
..... - Analysis, WP: "U.S. Policy Seen as Big Loser in Palestinian Vote"
..... - OpEd, Courier: E. J. Dionne: "Bush can take lessons from election"
Pentagon Report - Defense News: "U.S. Propaganda Aimed at Foreigners Reaches Public"

'School of the Americas' - Truthout: "Torture School Protesters Face Six Months in Prison"
............ Plainfield's own intrepid Patty and Bob Bender were among the 19,000 peace
............ activists there at Ft. Benning on November 18-20.

Editorial Cartoons:

Click on image to go to the original website of cartoon.

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Ann Coulter, Comedienne - CNN: "Poison Justice Stevens, Coulter jokes"
Black History Month: "Park Service plans museum to recognize Carter G. Woodson"
Education: "Students and Teachers, From K to 12, Hit the Podcasts"
Gay Unions - Maryland: "Md.'s Black Caucus fractured, civil rights pull as strong as Church's"
Geek Patrol - Privacy & Security:
..... - Software for You: "Privacy for People Who Don't Show Their Navels"
..... - Everyone is Watching You: "A growing web of watchers builds a surveillance society"
..... - Cams: "The New Security: Cameras That Never Forget Your Face"
Grocery Checkout Scanners: "Consumers lose $1- $2.5B annually to scanner errors"
Health - Diabetes: "U.S. Regulators Approve Insulin in Inhaled Form"
Reality TV - 'The Shop': "Watch Out for Barbers' Clippers, and Zingers"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina: "New Orleans feels cast adrift; Perception of DC's indifference compounds despair"


CN - Courier News | SL - Star-Ledger | NYT - New York Times | WP - Washington Post |

AFP - Agence France Presse | AP - Associated Press | APP - Asbury Park Press |
BR - Bergen Record | CSM - Christian Science Monitor | CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill] |
HNT - Home News Tribune [New Brunswick] | JJ - Jersey Journal | LAT - Los Angeles Times |
ND - Newsday | NOLA - Times-Picayune | NPR - National Public Radio | PNJ - Politics NJ | TT - Trenton Times