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Monday, February 20, 2006

20 - Monday

My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


Plainfield Today: "That Was The Week That Was: # 01 - February 13 - 19, 2006"
....... Monday's posts will be a digest of the previous week's Plainfield items, 'TW3'
Plain Talker: "Boards To Unite On Vision For City"

Crime: "Have you seen this man? Wanted for high-end headlight theft"
Indoor Track 'Meet of Champs': "PHS' Reginald Dixon races to 55-meter victory"

NOTE: Saturday's Ledger had a print edition only story on Ingrid Alexander's Castle Spa
located in the Antiques Castle, 9th and Park Avenue. Page 13, under 'Indulge.' Too bad
they didn't put it online.

Events for this week are here

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.Click HERE to get listing form.|
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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Linden: "Gas spill routs 100 in Linden"
Somerset County Dems: "Dems tout long-term focus as element for success"
Somerville BID: "Business owners note benefits of downtown marketing campaign"
.....The BID's interesting website is here. The BID's page on the boro website is here.
South Plainfield: "South Plainfield HS team wins Group III wrestling title"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine: "1 month in, governor's mailbox bursting"
.....Wherein you will learn about who writes the response letter you will get, and how many
.....types there are. And you will feel empowered by how well your input is attended to.
Lautenberg: "Announces run for 4th term, spouts confidence in Menendez"

Amtrak: "Advocates say feds out to derail Amtrak"
Gangs: "Trenton clergy craft anti-gang outlets for kids"
Guardian Angels: "Angels may expand patrols after JC Council president's wife mugged"
Homeowner Rights - OpEd, SL: "Homeowner boards can't exclude democracy"
NJ National Guard: "Troops responsible for mail ready for Afghanistan"
Port Newark - CN: "Port plans continue security debate"
..... - SL/Reuters: "Lawmakers step up pressure to review port operations sale"
Public Records: "Bill may limit access to tax assessments"
.....While the sponsor portrays this as help to overburdened assessors, you have to
.....wonder what's going on here. Across the country, many counties and cities put much
.....more property info online than NJ does. As NJ's property tax records are managed the County level, one has to ask whether the Counties are properly investing in
.....the technology -- and if not, why not, and what needs to be done. -- Dan
Sales Tax: "Sales tax may extend further; Revenue would aid budget crisis"
Schools Construction Corp. - Editorial, CN: "Too soon to move on new school funds"
Schools and sweets: "Schools address diabetes, obesity with bans or limits on sweets"
Shore Rentals: "Vacation rentals looking up"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

FEMA - LAT: "Fix It or Nix It: Lawmakers Call for FEMA Restructuring"
Palestine: "Israel cuts funding to isolate Hamas"
Privacy Board - LAT: "At one year, civil liberties board has yet to do a single day of work"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Chocoholic Alert: "'Healthy chocolate: Candy Makers Cater to Health-Conscious"
Communication: Steve Adubato: "How Cheney misfired on shooting incident"
Email: "Filters put in-box in order"
Gay Rights Activist: "Funeral Mass for activist Laurel Hester"
Hockey Gambling in Canada: "Legalized betting is a way of life in Gretzky's homeland"
Obituary: "Joel Dorius, Victim in Celebrated Anti-Gay Case"
..... Learn of a shameful incident from our recent past that sounds like fiction but wasn't
Vatican: "Italy aghast to learn Pope wants royalties for his spiritual writings"
Voting Rights: Bob Braun: "Her vote: Don't bar ex-felons from polls"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Philippines Landslide: "'God, is this how we are going to die?'"
..... - "Marines arrive for landslide aid; death toll estimated at 1,800"


CN - Courier News | SL - Star-Ledger | NYT - New York Times | WP - Washington Post |

AFP - Agence France Presse | AP - Associated Press | APP - Asbury Park Press | BR - Bergen Record |
CSM - Christian Science Monitor
| CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill] | HNT - Home News [New Brunswick] |
JJ - Jersey Journal [Jersey City]
| LAT - Los Angeles Times | ND - Newsday | NOLA - Times-Picayune |
NPR - National Public Radio
| PNJ - Politics NJ | TT - Trenton Times |