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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

21 - Tuesday

My personal take on Plainfield: news, views, gossip and sightings.
The online calendar for Plainfield events, performances, and meetings.


Plainfield Today: "Charlie Brown's: A Plainfield success story cut short"

City Council - CN: "Plainfield mulls changing council meetings"
Commercial Vehicles in Driveways: Thoughtful letter by a North Plainfield resident
on an issue we also face in Plainfield is here

Obituary: "Ella M. Bryant,
formerly of Plainfield, mother of Eloise Bryant Tinley"

Events for this week are here

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.Click HERE to get listing form.|
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TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Linden: "Tanker flip routs neighbors in 4-block area in Linden"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine - NYT: "Corzine Skips the Fanfare and Trenton Tries to Cope"
............... Listening?! What a novel concept!
"Towns target cop, firefighter pensions costs"

DYFS: "Legal report recommends DYFS changes"
Gambling: "Jersey busts show mob is still a big player"
PATH: "P.A. swipes back with SmartLink for PATH riders"
Port Newark - SL: "Reaction to Newark port deal is unprintable"
..... - CN: "Menendez, GOP governors question ports turnover"
Tax Records - Editorial, CN: "Public needs require access to tax records"

Sheneman's Cartoon is here
Margulies' Cartoon is here

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush - LAT: "Industries Get Quiet Protection From Consumer, State Lawsuits"

Scandal Central:

..... - Domestic spying:
.......... - NYT: "Facing pressure, White House seeks retroactive approval for spying"
..... - Plamegate - Truthout: "NSC, Cheney Aides Conspired to Out CIA Operative"
..... - Torture - NYT: "Senior Lawyer at Pentagon Broke Ranks on Detainees"
.............. Complete New Yorker story is here and the Mora document is here [PDF]
.......... - "Officials Investigate Germany's Role in U.S. Detention of Citizen"

Archives: "U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review"
Cheney: "Troubleshooting the Tale of a Hunt Gone Sour"
Iran: Heather Wokusch: "WWIII or Bust: Implications of a US Attack on Iran"
Iraq - Chicago Trib: "U.S. warns against sectarian rule; threatens to cut military funding"
Palestine - CSM: "US dilemma: dealing with Hamas"
..... - SL: "Hamas offers 'moderate' pick for premiership"
Ports: "Lawmakers, White House at Odds Over Ports"
..... - NYT: "More Objections to Port Takeover by Arab Entity"
Poverty - Guardian/UK: "37 million poor hidden in the land of plenty"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Antiquities: "Met makes a deal with Italy; Artifacts will be exchanged for other art"
Business: "Web Services Upend Old Ideas About the Little Guy's Role"
California Jail Riots: "Conflict simmers between Blacks and Latinos in Los Angeles"
Cartoons of the Prophet: "History Illuminates the Rage of Muslims"
Desperate Housewives: "These 'Housewives,' en EspaƱol, Are Heard but Never Seen"
Eminent Domain: "States Curbing Right to Seize Private Homes"
Holocaust: "Admitting denial of Holocaust, historian gets three-year term"
Internet: "Tollbooths on the Internet Highway"
Med Schools: "Med students feel lure of Caribbean; Island schools a growing trend"
Teens and Media: "Masters of media: Cell, Internet, TV are consumed at once"


CN - Courier News | SL - Star-Ledger | NYT - New York Times | WP - Washington Post |

AFP - Agence France Presse | AP - Associated Press | APP - Asbury Park Press | BR - Bergen Record |
CSM - Christian Science Monitor
| CP - Courier Post [Cherry Hill] | HNT - Home News [New Brunswick] |
JJ - Jersey Journal [Jersey City]
| LAT - Los Angeles Times | ND - Newsday | NOLA - Times-Picayune |
NPR - National Public Radio
| PNJ - Politics NJ | TT - Trenton Times |