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Monday, December 05, 2005

05 - Monday

Still kludging! Am posting to the blog, and will give a catch-up when my system is restored................;-( Dan

12/05/2005 - Monday



.......... - "Katrina volunteers Caminiti and Plum honored by Mayor McWilliams"

Plainfield Symphony, others receive grants: "Freeholders give HEART grants to local groups"
People's Organization for Progress: "Group's march this afternoon honors bus boycott"
Obituary - Courier: "Jean M. Hamm, nurse program pioneer"
.......... - Ledger: "Jean M. Hamm, 91, first dean of nursing at Muhlenberg"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Motor Vehicle Commission - Ledger: "Muslims decry photo license demands; Women cite their religious embarrassment"
............... - Courier: "Religious observance or driver's license? Some Muslims say they still choose"
............... - Asbury Park Press: "MVC apologizes to Muslims; Women were told to show hair for photos"
Policing: "Tasers off limits for N.J. cops due to risk"
NJ's memory lane of dirty deeds - Bob Braun, Ledger: "History of NJ's graft, greed and do-gooders"
NJ Lottery - Part 2 of 3: "Lure of scratch-off; Games appeal to lower-income gamblers"
.......... - Home News Tribune summarizes Sunday story: "Poor areas fuel lottery sales, says report"
US Attorney Chris Christie: "Again, the U.S. Attorney Is on a Statewide Blitz"
Fairfield: "Snow melts resistance to bulky lawn ornament"
............... And not the embarassment of a Ledger story?
Washington Twp [Gloucester County]: "Gay cop finds little sympathy"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush's speech on Iraq: "Bush's speech on Iraq War echoes voice of Duke U analyst"
.......... - Editorial - Courier: "Bush speech a good step toward honest Iraq dialogue"
............... Going on three years, with over 2,100 US dead and untold Iraqi deaths, this writer finds hope
............... in 'a rough strategy for success'?
9/11 Commission: "Commission alleges foot-dragging by Bush and Congress on security"
............... "God help us if we have another attack." -- Former NJ Governor Tom Kean
Condi's Image-maker: "The Man Behind the Secretary of State's Rock Star Image"
Scandal Central:
.......... - Secret CIA Prisons: "Bush Administration Unyielding on Secret Terror Camp Reports"
.......... - Rice defends US: "Rice to Defend U.S. on Reports of Prisons for Terror Suspects"
.......... - Woodwardgate - Frank Rich, OpEd - NY Times [hassle-free link]: "All the President's Flacks"
.......... - Plamegate - Investigative report, Truthout: "Rove Running Out of Answers, Time"

.......... - Mob throws shoes, dirt, stones at Allawi: "Allawi describes incident as assassination attempt"
.......... - Paid news stories allegations: "Military Admits Planting News in Iraq"
.......... - Senate wants explanation on stories: "Pentagon summoned to explain planting stories in Iraqi media"
.......... - Reconstruction graft investigation widens: "Army Officer Charged in Iraq Investigation"
.......... - Runup to War: "FBI Is Taking Another Look at Forged Prewar Intelligence"

Illegal workers: "Is America hooked on illegal labor? By sheer numbers, illegal immigrants becoming indispensable to US economy"
Medicare Drug plan: "Republicans Find They Have to Sell Drug Benefit Plan"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Web and Teens: " is fast becoming the online world's place to be"
Art inspired by Pabst Beer: "Distilled art: One man's obsession with an old brewery"
.......... The exhibit's reception is this Saturday at NJIT's Architecture School, corner of Warren and
.......... Summit Streets, Newark. 4 PM - Open to the public. Website:
Real Estate: "Building Homes for Disabled Soldiers"
Geek History: "Hewlett and Packard's garage workshop in Palo Alto restored"
Intelligent Design: "Intelligent Design meeting its maker? Even evangelicals suspect its motives"
Wikipedia: "The perils and benefits of an encyclopedia everyone helps write"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "Habitat trying to nail housing deal; Plan recycles homes built for city workers"
.......... - "For thousands still living out of suitcases, finding a home is no easy task"
.......... - Some start over elsewhere: "Unlikely haven: African-Americans try to carve out a future in Utah"