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Friday, December 09, 2005

09 - Friday

Still kludging. Am posting to the blog, and will give a catch-up when my system is restored...............;-( Dan

12/09/2005 - Friday

CLIPPINGS is also online here - where you can track down new and old postings and stories

Note: The Ledger has some good stuff, not online this AM. If put up later, will post. --Dan


No posting today, Dan is on a vacation day

No Plainfield stories today in Ledger, Courier, or Plainfield Plain Talker

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Union County:
............... - Freeholder salaries: "Freeholders eyes 5.3% hike; Pay would be $29,500"
............... - Gun buyback: "County again is offering gun buyback"
Berkeley Heights: "Couple gets help playing Santa to Katrina victims"
Highland Park: "Human Relations Commission's quality-of-life survey finds good news"
Springfield: "4 massage parlors closed; concern some may be brothels"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine's Senate seat: It's Menendez!
............... - Ledger: "It's Menendez for the U.S. Senate"
............... - Courier: "Menendez accepts Senate nomination"
............... - Jersey Journal: "Menendez' big day finally here"
............... - Politics NJ: "Menendez wins Corzine backing "
............... - NY Times: "Democrats Ponder a Senate Primary Against Menendez"
............... - Brief bio: "Menendez bio box"
............... - Events timeline: "Major events in Menendez's career"
............... - Congressional record: "Congressional votes reveal social liberal"
............... - Cuban-American reaction - AP: "Menendez Inspires Pride in Cuban-Americans"
.................... - Bergen Record: "'Senator Menendez' sounds magnificent to Hispanic ears"
.................... - Home News Tribune: "Latinos root for Menendez"

Lame Duck Legislature:
............... - Campaign reform: "Campaign reform awaiting Codey OK"
...................... The law --if Codey signs it-- will protect local pay-to-play ordinances which may
...................... be more strict than the state law, an unexpected victory for reformers
............... - Taxes: "Assembly proposes water tax for residents"
............... - Eating while driving: "Bill could make driving while eating a serious violation"
............... - Adoption records: "Bill would allow more access to adoption records"

Essex County: "Federal probe urged in Essex over Authority's coverup of foreclosure"
Newark: "City settles with PA for $450M; will help budget shortfall"
Merck: "Merck accused by New England Journal of Medicine of doctoring Vioxx study"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
.......... - Iraq-al Qaeda 'link': "Qaeda-Iraq Link U.S. Cited Is Tied to Coercion Claim"
.......... - CIA 'renditions' and Condi: "Papers reported Rice's denial US allows torture but didn't note administration's narrow definition"
................. This is for fact freaks. 'Media Matters' is a site reviewing/comparing/critiquing
................. media attention to news on a daily basis. Bookmark it if you can never know enough!
.......... - Abramoff Affair: "Records show Sen. Burns' Abramoff meetings"
............... - Cal. Congressman involved: "Pombo accepted money from tribe employing Abramoff"

Homeland Security - Agence France Presse: "US terror watchlist 80,000 names long"
Patriot Act: "Renewal of the Patriot Act clears hurdle and meets filibuster threat"
Rumsfeld resigning? - NY Daily News: "Rummy exit expected; Lieberman eyed for job"
Supreme Court nomination - AP: "Congressional Black Caucus to Oppose Alito"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Development: "Somerville mayor wants all to begin proposals with traffic, schools impact studies"
Real Estate: "Home builder Toll Brothers lowers its 2006 forecast"
Lennon - Gone 25 years: "Yoko joins Lennon tribute in Central Park"