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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

07 - Wednesday

Still kludging. Am posting to the blog, and will give a catch-up when my system is restored...............;-(

12/07/2005 - Wednesday

CLIPPINGS is also online here - where you can track down new and old postings and stories


.......... - "Merchants' windows reflect Holiday themes"

Note: Holiday Concert: PHS Concert Chorus, Tomorrow [Thursday], 7 PM, PHS Auditorium

Policing plan: "Restructuring plan implemented via personnel order after union input led to changes"
.................... You would never guess this is the subject of the story from the headline
Resident plans community meeting [next to last item]: "Meeting called to get past divisiveness"
Drive-by shooting gang related?: "Gunman is sought in shooting of teen"
West Front Street robbery [last item]: "City convenience store robbed of hundreds of dollars"

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

New Providence: "After 27 years as cop, chief is stepping up to become borough administrator"
Vauxhall/Union: "Planning board says no to Target and BJ's stores"
Westfield - Death by leaked email?: "Councilman says sorry for 'satire' in e-mail"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

2005 General Election:
............... - Governor's Race: "Corzine won most costly race with lowest voter turnout"
............... - Assembly Races: "Assembly races break spending record"

Corzine's Senate seat:
............... - GOP - NY Times: "GOP Puts Its Muscle Behind a Younger Kean"
.................... - Ledger: "Elizabeth Dole adds clout to Kean Senate bid"
.................... - Courier: "Dole stumps for Kean in bid for U.S. Senate"

Lame Duck Legislature:
............... - Stem Cell research: "$575 million stem cell plan on table; Codey and Cohen compromise"

Agent Orange cleanup: "EPA opposes state's Passaic River cleanup plan"
Drugs - Rich kids, poor neighborhoods connection: "Mendham, Chester kids make round trip drug buy in 44 minutes"
Drug-free school zones - Editorial, Courier: "Smaller may be better for drug-free school zones"
Giants/Jets Stadium: "Giants and Jets to unveil game plan for stadium"
Medicare overbilling: "St. Barnabas to settle on overbilling, agrees to pay back $3.2M"
Public Records: "Appeals panel rules names of hospital patients are confidential"
Schools Construction Corp. - Editorial, Ledger: "SCC fails to learn from its mistakes"
Newark: "Homeland Security grant buys Newark SUVs, cars"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
.......... - CIA's secret prisons - Deutsche Welle: "Merkel: US Admitted Wrongful Abduction of German"
............... - CIA sued by kidnapped German - AP: "German Man Alleges CIA Torture in Lawsuit"
............... - Rice's explanation - Guardian, UK: "US defence of 'rendition' tactic makes no sense says legal expert"
............... - Editorial, NY Times: "Secretary Rice's Rendition"
.................... "Condoleezza Rice is in no position to convince the world that the United States has not,
.................... does not and will not torture prisoners."
USA Patriot Act - Washington Post: "Federal jury acquits Florida Professor on main charges"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Bush's 'Holiday' cards: "Conservative Christian Bush supporters upset at generic holiday card"
Christmas, start of Chanukah fall on same day this year: "Latkes for Santa?"
Jewish calendar software and homepage: "Calendar Maven's Hebrew Calendar Home Page"
Beerwatch: "Red MacGregor, from Scottish island of Orkney, is 'biscuit' of a beer"
School Soda sales wars: "Lines Are Drawn for Big Suit Over Sodas"
Immigrants - Mexican: "Study: Illegal Immigrants Not Primarily Drawn by Jobs"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Response: "Within first few day, FEMA official acknowledged Katrina response 'Broken'"
.......... - Aftermath: "Emotional damage lingers; Experts say impact far beyond what they've ever faced"
.......... - The state of New Orleans [chart]: "Before and after"