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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

06 - Tuesday

Still kludging. Am posting to the blog, and will give a catch-up when my system is restored...............;-( Dan

12/06/2005 - Tuesday

CLIPPINGS is also online here - where you can track down new and old postings and stories



............... - "Get Into The Spirit Of The Holidays!"

Plainfield Fire Div. responds: "Fire eats through North Plainfield home"
............... Plainfield's 92-foot ladder truck provides unique advantages in firefighting
Plainfield Performing Arts Center lends space: "Miss New Jersey practices in Plainfield for next pageant"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine's Senate seat: "Corzine 'leaning' toward Menendez for Senate seat; Pair met in Hoboken"
Lame Duck Legislature:
............... - Drug laws - Ledger: "Drug-free zone shift advances"
.................... - Courier: "Bill would shrink size of drug-free school zones"
............... - Gas prices: "Senate panel OKs bill on gas gouging"
............... - No more 'acting': "Bill erases 'acting' from Codey's title"
Abbott District preschool programs: "Poorest preschoolers make big learning gains"
Bear Hunt - Ledger: "First bears killed, few incidents reported"
.................... - Courier: "Tensions mount as bear hunt begins"
DYFS - Ledger: "Irate Davy defends progress at DYFS, says improvements take time"
.................... - Courier: "Davy rails against child-welfare watchdogs over DYFS reform"
McGreevey: "McGreevey embraces the Episcopal church; lends support to inclusivity group"
Newark - Insiders profit: "In city's housing boom, a select few cash in"
.......... This is the Sunday story that was not online. Newark's no-bid contracts, discounts
.......... and tax breaks mean fast, fat profits for some unlikely home developers
NJ Lottery - Part 3 of 3: "Though strategies abound, luck's still your best bet"
.......... - Searchable data: "Numbers Game: Who Really Pays for the Lottery"
.......... You can search by ZIP or town; compare two towns, and get a sort of the top rankings
.......... by players, winners, average spent, etc. The Ledger has worked very hard on this and
.......... it shows. Note, however, that the Plainfield ZIPs - 07060, 07062 and 07063 - also contain
.......... North Plainfield and Watchung, which are not broken out separately. -- Dan
School voucher advocates adopt new term - Ledger: "Rally for aid plan; Tax credit bills avoid loaded 'voucher' term"
.................... - Courier: "Parents want state to fund school vouchers for poorest students"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
.......... - CIA's secret prisons - Der Spiegel's scoop: "A German Hub for Secret CIA Flights?"
............... - Tracking down the flights: "The Hunt for Hercules N8183J"
............... - CIA dirty tricks in Italy: "Ruse Misled Italians on Cleric's Abduction by CIA"
............... - Condi in Germany: "Rice defend US tactics, implies Europe aware of operations"
.......... - Abramoff Affair: "Montana's Sen. Burns did about-face after cash from Abramoff"
.......... - DeLay: "Worst charges against DeLay are upheld by judge in Texas"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Real Estate: "Six tips for thriving in a 'middle-ground' real estate market"
.......... Another good Sunday story that was not online!
Immigrants - Issues of Culture and Identity: "Program for Immigrants Stirs Worries on Both Sides"
Work's new Social Contract: "New Game at the office: Many young workers accept fewer guarantees"
Wikipedia: "Online encyclopedia tightens rules following false article"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "FEMA loan cuts ripple down, threaten Louisiana agencies"