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Monday, January 02, 2006

02 - Monday

01/02/2006 - Monday


............... - "A prayer for our new mayor"
............... - "About 'Plainfield Today'"
...................... . . . wherein I explain that 'Plainfield Today' is my personal blog and not the City's,
...................... and changes that will be coming to it as of New Year's Day 2006. -- Dan

Inauguration - Ledger: "For new mayor, it's history in the making"
.......... - Courier: "New mayor: Plainfield will work together"
................... - "Queen City team to tackle safety, economic ills"
.......... - Plain Talker: "Robinson-Briggs Sworn-in"
Council - Courier [last item]: "Blanco elected council president"

First baby of '06: "Lorena and Francisco Tamayo's daughter arrives at 1:15 AM, Central NJ's first"
Letter to Editor, Courier: Maria Pellum-Martinez: "Plainfield needs time for healing"

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Edison - Ledger: "Corzine swears in Edison mayor, who thanks immigrant parents"
.......... - Home News: "Choi sworn in as mayor; Edison inaugurates its youngest leader"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine and Menendez: "A little surprise for Corzine and Menendez at Choi swearing-in"

Cable-Phone Fight: "Verizon-Comcast competition reaches Legislature this week"
Camden: "Murders decline but exceed national rates"
Drew U.: "With SAT scores now optional, Drew draws more applicants"
Newark: Manhattan West-West?: "Developers bank on Newark's resurgence"
'Rent-to-own' buying: "Critics assail proposed bill that would allow interest rates over 30%"
Schools Construction Corp.: "Newark school shelved but buyouts continue"
Speeding: "One town wrestles with how to control speeding on its streets"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush - Ledger: "Bush presses defense of surveillance, ignores reporter's tough question"
.......... - LA Times: "Presidential History Lesson on the Value of Building Consensus"
................. In which our commander-in-chief is likened not to his father, nor to Reagan, but to
................. James K. Polk. Who? Why? Read on . . .

Scandal Central:

.......... - Domestic spying:
.................... - NY Times: Public Editor: "Behind the eavesdropping story, a loud silence from the Times"
.............................. - Week in Review: "What are you lookin' at? Americans react to the scandal"
.................... - Washington Post: "Bush Defends Spying Program as 'Necessary' to Protect U.S."

Iraq - Rebuilding: "Meant to restore public services, most of $18.4B has gone to security"
Military Staffing Levels: "The Army, Faced With Its Limits"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Blacks and Literacy: "Why Slave-Era Barriers to Black Literacy Still Matter"
Crystal Cathedral: "Schuller Son Takes Over Crystal Cathedral"
Divorce: Terry Martin Hekker: "Paradise Lost (Domestic Division)"
DNA and Rape: "In New York, power of DNA spurs call to abolish statute of limitations for rape"
Education: "In evolution debate, a counterattack in Kansas State Board of Ed elections"
Graffiti-Ads: "Sony Draws Reproach Over Graffiti-Style Ads"
IRS and Calilfornia Church: "Mulling the Limits of Freedom of Speech in Churches"
........... The IRS is investigating whether a church in Pasadena, Calif., is abusing its non-profit
........... status by promoting its outspoken antiwar stance. The development has other churches
........... debating how their leaders should walk the line between free speech and preaching.
Limbo: A literary appreciation: Harold Bloom: "Paradise Found, Limbo Lost"
'Miss Manners' on Essential Record-Keeping: "Turning Over a New Leaf"
Obesity Surgery: "Doctors debate safety of bands and bypass"
Supreme Java?: "Sales of Alito's signature blend are steaming at Newark shop"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "In New Orleans, Housing Sales Are Bright Spot"
