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Saturday, January 07, 2006

07 - Saturday

01/07/2006 - Saturday


PLAINFIELD TODAY: Moving to old machine today, will post tomorrow -- Dan

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Plain Talker: Council(s) conflict: "Monday here, Monday there"
Boys & Girls Club [last item]: "Club hosting fourth annual Father-Daughter Dance"
Crime - Ledger: "Mercedes SUV stolen on Lansdowne Terrace, high-speed chase through 4 counties"
.......... - Courier: "Police chase winds through four counties"

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Corruption: "Old Bridge official pleads guilty in ongoing corruption probe"

Piscataway: "Judge orders town to deposit $8M in Halper farm case"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Bosses: Norcross: "No Title and No Elective Office, but Influence Across New Jersey"
Drugs: Money Laundering: "Police seize $667,000 from home in Haledon"
DYFS - Ledger: "Reports criticize DFYS efforts on families in turmoil"
.......... - NY Times: "Reports Say New Jersey Falls Short of Child Welfare Goals"
Ethics - Editorial, Ledger: "Restore gift restrictions"
............ Two years ago legislators repealed two anti-gift laws; why they should be restored. . .
EWR: "Travel at Newark up 3 percent last year, to 33 million passengers"
Gay Marriage: "Harvey urges high court to rebuff gay union claim"
Hospitals: "Jersey hospitals suffer financially"
Legislature: "Amid legal troubles, Newark's Assemblywoman Williams quits"
Ocean County/Lesbian Couple Imbroglio [not online]:
.......... - OpEd, Ledger: Steven Goldstein: "Deceitful argument for injustice against a lesbian couple"
............... Goldstein's piece calls into question Paul Mulshine's contention that the surviving partner
............... would be financially well-placed with the County's life insurance policy. Goldstein argues
............... that is not so, and that Mulshine is the Freeholders' 'stooge.'
Standardized Tests: "Grade schools lead way as test scores rise"
UMDNJ: "Legal official Andrea Walker Modu rejects demand to quit"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

- LA Times: "A Not-Always-Diplomatic Gathering with Bush"

Scandal Central:
.......... - Abramoff Affair:
.................... - Analysis - LA Times: "Scandal May Upset Rules of Enrichment in Congress"
.................... - NY Times: "Tyco Acknowledges $1.6M Link to Abramoff"
...........................Note: The Timothy E. Flanigan referred to in this article was, in addition to being
........................."Tyco's attorney,"Tyco's senior vice president and general counsel up until April
..........................2005. Flanigan was nominated by George W. Bush in April to be the Deputy
..........................Attorney General working directly under Alberto Gonzalez.That's nothing new.
..........................Flanigan, a member of the Federalist Society, worked directly under then-White
..........................House Lead Counsel Gonzalez as his deputy. Flanigan left the White House Staff November 2002 to go to work for Tyco. - Truthout editors
.............................. - Editorial: "Newt as Diogenes in a Dark Capitol"
.................... - Nation: "Abramoff , The GOP Corruption Machine & What Dems Need to Do"
.................... - Texas Observer: "Pimping the Presidency: Abramoff bills clients for face time with Bush"
.................... - Washington Post: E.J. Dionne: "Abramoff and His Vanishing Friends"
.......... - DeLay - Bloomberg: "'DeLay Inc.' Lobbying Firm Has Links to Three Capital Scandals"
.................... - NY Times: "Rebels in G.O.P. Call for DeLay to Be Replaced"
.................... - Washington Post: "DeLay inquiry broadened; data on US Family Network demanded"
......................... - "Tide Turning Against DeLay Leadership"
.................... - Reuters: "DeLay's bid to return to US leadership in jeopardy"
.......... - Domestic spying:
.................... - Washington Post: "Congressional Report Rebuts Bush on Spying"

Dollar - Financial Times/UK: "China signals reserves switch away from dollar"
FBI: "F.B.I. Erred in Implicating Oregon Man in Madrid Attack"
Homeland Security - St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "Homeland security job filled amid controversy"
Iraq - TPM Cafe: "The Cost of The War: Estimated at $3 trillion"
IRS - Tacoma News-Tribune: "IRS tracked taxpayers’ political affiliation"
Pensions: "Five San Diego officials indicted over pensions fraud"
Supreme Court - NY Times: "Justices to say when police can enter private home without warrant"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Obituary: "Lou Rawls, velvet voice, 72"
............ and a recording of 'Love is a hurtin' thing' is here
Obituary: "Hugh Thompson, 62; Army helicopter pilot saved civilians at My Lai"
Postage: "Quietly Raising Stamp Prices, and a Few Hackles, Too"
............ Tomorrow. 39¢. Did you know?
Religion: Monks and Nuns together?: "A ruling on the status of its women roils a monastery"
Street Cams [UK]: "Cars to Be Subject To Video Surveillance"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "Fight Grows in New Orleans on Demolition and Rebuilding"
.......... - "New Orleans Delays Razing Houses 2 Weeks"