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Thursday, January 05, 2006

05 - Thursday

01/05/2006 - Thursday


PLAINFIELD TODAY: "Bizz: There is life after death"

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MLK Week - Frontiers Breakfast [next to last item]: "Minister to speak at MLK breakfast"
Muhlenberg, Children's Projects: "Nursing school, groups stand to benefit from state grants"
Letter to Editor, Courier: Wilma Campbell: "Board member isn't rubber stamp"

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Bedminster: "Amid calls to step down, Bedminster mayor defends 'terrorist' remark"
Edison: "Choi announces hiring freeze; Councilman Barnes attacks him"
Linden: "Gregorio plans to run; At 80, could be one of oldest in state"
North Plainfield: "Teen charged; 17-year-old killed over gas money dispute"
Somerset County: "Somerset County says 'no' to drugs with kids poster calendar"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine: "Corzine planning inaugural ceremony, ball"
Codey: "Codey to give final State of the State talk"

Arming Probation Officers: "Court hears arguments, issue is whether Legislature overstepped"
Cable Wars - Editorial, Courier: "Cable bill deserves quick action"
Death Penalty: "Turmoil over death penalty"
Identity Theft: "Residents gain defense against identity theft"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Scandal Central:
.......... - Abramoff Affair:
.................... - Analysis - LA Times: "Lobbying Plan Was Central to GOP's Political Strategy"
......................... - AP: "Abramoff Plea May Rock GOP Boat"
......................... - TruthDig: Robert Scheer: "Jack Abramoff's "Cesspool of Corruption""
......................... - Washington Post: "Case Bringing New Scrutiny To a System and a Profession"
.................... - NY Times: "Lobbyist Pleads Guilty in Fla.; 2nd Plea in 2 Days"
.............................. Charts of money given, an outline, and a chart of Abramoff-DeLay connections.
.................... - Washington Post: "Bush to Give Away Abramoff Donations"
.................... - Guardian/UK: "Lobbyist to reveal all in Congress bribes scandal"
.......... - Domestic spying:
.................... - Washington Post: "Secret surveillance may have occurred before authorization"

Iraq - Christian Science Monitor: "US allies in Iraq: valuable but dwindling"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Education: "Poor, minority fourth-graders closing learning gap in NJ"
Journalism: "Last Year Deadliest for Journalists Since 1995"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Tourism: "SIGH SEEING"
............Guides are giving visitors a tour they'll never forget, surveying Katrina's
............damage and learning how it happened