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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

04 - Wednesday

01/04/2006 - Wednesday

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PLAINFIELD TODAY: "Bowser, Choi inaugurals pack extra punch - Corzine and Menendez"

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Community Section: These items not online: Chris Amaker, whose mother and father live in
Plainfield, was promoted to Lt. Col. in the Army. Airman Chadir Shivers completed training
at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX. He is the grandson of Lloyd Shivers, Sr., of Plainfield.

Kwanzaa: "Courier Picture Story"

TRI-COUNTY AREA___________________________________________________________________________

Bedminster: "Miffed at protest plans, new mayor labels group as 'terrorists'"
Cranford: "Mayor's son charged in drug case but gets no jail time"
Edison: "Choi says Spadoro left Edison 'a fiscal disaster'"
Kenilworth: "Just call it the den of Democrats"
North Plainfield: "Teenager stabbed to death"

NEW JERSEY________________________________________________________________________________

Corzine - Ledger: "Corzine starts on Cabinet: Secretary of State, Adjutant General named"
.................... - "Proposal: Give DYFS Cabinet-level status"

Ethics Rules: "Confusion reigns on university ethics rules"
Homicides: "State's inner cities see surge in killings"
Homeland Security: "N.J. lawmakers hail change that will bolster aid to Newark region"
Jersey City: "Judge disqualifies trio of 'insiders' in Honeywell toxic cleanup case"
Long Hill Township: "A gay mayor is sworn to office"
Lynch Investigation: "Lynch investigation widens to Old Bridge"
Maplewood: "Popular vote for mayor advocated"
Middlesex County: "GOP files an appeal in ethics complaint"
Newark: "James walks and talks like he wants 6th term"
............ Newark's non-partisan election takes place in May, hence petitions and campaigning
............ take place earlier than in June primary communities . . .
Schools Construction Corp.: "Old school the stage for $115M center in E. Orange"
Stem Cell Research: "Codey stem cell plan off the table"

NATION / WORLD____________________________________________________________________________

Bush - Ledger:
.......... - Washington Post: E.J. Dionne: "For Bush, a Test in the Midterms"
.......... - Military Times: "Poll finds high morale, but less support for Bush, war effort"
.......... - Agence France Presse: "'Poll: Support for Bush drops among US military"

Scandal Central:
.......... - Abramoff Affair - NY Times: "Tremors Across Washington as Lobbyist Will Aid Inquiry"
.................... - Ledger/AP: "Lobbyist admits plying officials for votes; implicates a DeLay aide"
.............................. - "For some in D.C., this is a toxic spill"
.............................. - Editorial: "Movers and shakers shudder"
................................... Am I misremebering, or did Mike Ferguson say he
................................... would NOT be returning money he got from Abramoff?
.................... - Washington Post: "Abramoff Pleads Guilty to 3 Counts"
.................... - Boston Globe: "Dozens send back lobbyist's donations, fearing link to Abramoff"
.......... - Domestic spying:
.................... - NY Times: "Agency First Acted on Its Own to Broaden Spying, Files Show"
.................... - Village Voice: James Ridgeway: "Looks like Bush knew wiretaps were wrong"
.................... - The Australian: "Wiretaps vital and within law: Bush"

Iraq - 'Milbloggers' - Newsday: "Military 'shuts down' soldiers' blogs"
Murtha - Reuters: "US Rep. Murtha says he wouldn't join military now"
Voting Systems - LA Times: "Electronic Voting System Results Still Out"

OF INTEREST________________________________________________________________________________

Blacks in early recordings: "Diversity Revealed in Records' First Years"
'Deferred Prosecutions' - One World: "Corporate Crime: Execs take fall while corporations go free"
Cuteness: "Scientists Are Discovering The Cute Factor"
Wikipedia vs. Brittanica: "The Nitpicking of the Masses vs. the Authority of the Experts"

DISASTERS AND AID OPPORTUNITIES_________________________________________________________

Katrina - Rebuilding: "Archaeologist in New Orleans Finds a Way to Help the Living"
